Sabtu, 26 Mac 2011

Grand Continental~~Dinner Om114

disaat sume org sedang enak dibuai mimpi2 indah, ak terpanggil utk memenuhkan blog ak nih...
sbnarnye bukan ape, juz nk share psal dinner Om114 td je...huhuhuhu..(",)bru je balik dinner at Grand Continental utk warga Om114 yg diorganizekan oleh Om part 2...ermm..ok la..kami yg 10 orang pergi ni enjoy la...wlupun at the end sume mgantuk...huhuhu...ermm, tu jela nk ckp...mate tbe2 ase mgntuk plak...nah!tgok la pic ni!!(*_*)

Rabu, 23 Mac 2011

what a hard decisions??

This day!What a sorrow night??i feel touched and miserable !i got too much problem to settle it is caused by my unstable health?hurmm..i am quite busy with my classes, assgment, test and my final is juz around the corner??how come??may I perform better this sem??but it’s not da main topic 4 my entry this night…yesterday,I juz been scolded by my sis..i feel touched and feel like to cry…I dun hav da strength nymore..i knoe its absolutely true what did she say..but its not fully my mistake..i am juz ordinary person, always made, what?? Da decision which I tried to avoid comes again!i hav to leave my first buddies for the first I am at Shahputra ty, ucu n sya..i knoe we’ll still being bff but I knoe it’s quite difficult coz we’ll be apart..i felt so comfortable and happy living with you all..honestly, I dun’t want to leave you all!i luv you all so much!you all are the true friends..girls, dunt ever forget me ya..we’ll being bff forever n ever!!!all the memories wil always keep im my mind!! i dun’t knoe what going happen to me when I stay there..seriouly, I can’t live there…but I can’t do anythin’…oh my God, give me da strength…I need it…I hav to accept it positively!! There’s must be a silver lining behind the cloud…hurmmm..

Giga Devine is the best!!!

Seminggu yang lalu, bru je blik dari Rumpun Makmur, Temerloh atas permintaan event yg wajib diorganisekn oleh pelajar Om114 part 4...emmm, klu ikutkan ati mmg x bpe xcted pun sbb xprnah rase cmne jd anak agkt utk ssebuah fmly agkt 2...Tambahan plak tempat 2 cm xbest je...around Temerloh ckp cm tau sgt2 je kt ne tmpt 2...padahal since dpt tau event ni nak dilaksanakan kat sana, baru tau psal tmpat je duk tmlh...but I now nothin’ hux3....That’s me!!...xtau!!xpnh cncern!for me, its not important utk nk tau psal pkare2 cmtu... xpnh cncern pun..(ermmm, what a bad attitude ni)…huhuhu…tp so far so gud laa…xknl make xcnte bab kte org tu kn..em, the best part is I am da lucky one kn..sbb dpt 1 umh ngn one of my bff,yaya…ske la kn dpt 1 umh ngn bff..huhu..bkn mmilih kwn or for me, it’s quite difficult utk ssuaikn dri ngn mber yg x same stuju x?hux3..My adopt family???emm, dieorg quite a gud foster family..em,of coz la kn…sume family agkt yg diregisterkn sume da diiktiraf n dieorg g kursus utk dptkn klulusan utk jdi Keluarga agkt bkn sng2 jela kn…emm..thanks to Ibu and Ayah(agkt) sbb lyn ktorg dengan baik, slalu ambik n antar ktorg mane2 n bila2 pun ktorg nk g, masak sedap2 utk ktorg, slalu ajak ktorg p jlan2 and byk lg la…Thank you so Much!! Jasamu akan dikenang!ahaks~

Disebabkn ari takhir tu planning ktorg “climb Gunung senyum”, so ktorg pun tsgt la excitednye..sbb xpnh kot buat actvty adventures cm2.ktorg mlawat 8 jnis gua kot..mmg terbaik laa...Then, bile da smpai atas 2..sume tcunggap2 n kletihan sgt..n until now I am still not feeling well ngan batuk2 n dmam skit2…bile la nk sihatnye xtau…xselesa sgt2!!emm,tp papepun I am so appreciate this experience…it’s too valuable!ahaks~last but but least, Congratz to Students Om114 4A!we manage to handle this Foster Family Programme! we all did it very well..bravo2!!

Giga devine terbaik!!!